Freemasons Foundation

New website coming soon

The Freemasons Foundation Incorporated (ABN 95 431 713 814) is the trustee for the following trusts:

The Freemasons Charity Fund (ABN 64 821 188 545)

Educational Purposes Fund (ABN 73 886 431 813)

The Trevor Prescott Memorial Scholarship Fund (ABN 18 413 751 939)
The Freemasons Health Promotion Fund (ABN 51 920 367 452)

The Fax Bequest Fund (ABN 49 025 077 213)

This website is under construction but our charitable organisations are registered and operating.

The details of each charity can be confirmed by visiting and clicking “search for a charity”.

Please contact us using the form below if you wish to seek assistance or to make a donation.

Contact us